Work with passion.
We make an effort everyday to spread a different systemic approach to life in order to understand nature as a parte of our identity.

Marcello Vitale
Climate change expert
Currently works as professor at Sapienza University of Rome, cnvironmental biology department . The research topics he is facing are related to Ecological modelling, biostatistics and climate change effects on natural and non-natural environmental systems.

Daniele Gigli
Natural science expert
Natural Science graduated, he is always trying to go beyond the simple explanation about nature, looking for new prospectives to look at problems. He is working as teacher on nature and mathematics science.

Angelica Meschini
Social networking
She has always been driven by a deeply respect and love for nature, spending the most of her life in the italian countryside. Everyday she try to make her best to rise awareness about nature connection importance.

Elena Wang
Plastic alternative researcher
Aerospace Engineering, resarcher by nature, Elena doesn’t stop to investigate the world around her to make it better. Graduate in Ingeneering she is always trying to find new way to help our planet.

Luca Carrazza
Fireman, passionate about hiking, he love spend time rounded by mountains to recconect with himself. If you are looking for him you can try on Dolomite Mountains.

Maria Vittoria Pocci
Development and Environmental Economics
Master student at SOAS, University of London , in “Finance and Development”. Undergraduate degree in Development and Environmental Economics at RomaTre Univeristy. She devoted her efforts to understand how alternative ways of finance and economics can help creating sustainable development paths, both in socio economic and environmental perspectives.

Guetsby Jose Suarez Bello
Nature Team trainer
He has always been fascinated by nature. He knows how to support people and help them to dig deeper into their identity. He perceive nature as strongly connected with our life and help people to rediscover this connection.

Clarissa Celli
Training development
Nina London CEO, she loves create labs for kids in nature. She belives enviromental education could help people to understand better themself and the world they are living in.

Roger Brufau Pla
Systemic Coach
Inuit Place CEO, psychology graduate, gamification expert. He is never tired to find new ways to support people to achieve their potential. He believes nature could be a strong ally in his work.

Valerio Cianci
Nature facilitation training
Natural Science graduated, he strongly belives in biophilia hypothesis. He is continuosly researching new ways to support people in a deeper awareness jorney toward a more systemic approach to life.