We are collaborating and working with BambooX2go to develope true plastic alternative, trying to develop a 100% biodegradabe resin that could be mixed with the bamboo fiber to create the next generation of plasticfree, glassses, dishes and reusable food containers.
We continue researching biodegradable environmentally-conscious materials that could be used as fillers to further strengthen their composite plastic alternative mixture.
Project Life Cycle Approaches is an essential part of our vision. It is fundamental keep in mind this understanding at every stage of the product.
A life cycle approach enables product designers, service providers, government agents and individuals to make choices for the longer term and with consideration of all environmental media (i.e., air, water, land). Life cycle approaches avoid shifting problems from one life cycle stage to another, from one geographic area to another and from one environmental medium (for example air quality) to another (for example water or land).
In the modern world, dependency on petroleum-based polymers has extensively increased over the years. Synthetic polymers like polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), nylon, polyester (PS), polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), and epoxy (commonly known as plastic) are derived from petroleum hydrocarbons. These polymers are an incredibly versatile group of compounds—so versatile, in fact, they can be use in many different way.
These materials have highly desirable properties, such as strength, flexibility, resistivity, chemical inertness, and so forth.
Nowadays we know plastics have become a major environmental problem. More than the 322 million tonnes of plastic is produced every year. 44 kilos of plastic for every single person (2015 figures according to PlasticsEurope).
Much of this plastic ends up as waste in the environment, especially in the ocean. Packaging makes up about 40 per cent of the total amount of plastic waste. Most of what we buy in the grocery store is packed in plastic.
About 90% of today’s plastics are petroleum-based and not biodegradable. Until now create a true viable plastic replacements from renewable sources has been unsuccesfull. Most of the developed products are too brittle for food packaging.
Why Reusable Food Containers?
Single-use food storage containers account for a remarkable amount of trash every year. Banning certain types of single-use containers, recycling and using recycled content are critically important but are not solving the foundational reason we have waste and the depletion of the finite resources. Read more