This project born from the idea of Roger Brufau, Valerio Cianci, and Pablo Herreros, the primatologist, who was a contributor to El Mundo, died on 22 Dicember 2018 .
Despite the fact they were working with people and different animals, horses and chimpanzee, they shared the same view about nature and its connection with our identity. Being One embrace their vision about a deeper awareness of the system we are in and the need to spread and promote a different aproach to nature and life.
Pablo Herreros was director of the TVE’s 2 program “Yo, mono” and author of the science books La inteligencia emocional de los animales , Yo, mono, El poder de las personas .
Jane Goodal interview with Pablo Herreros
Pablo Herreros work was about feelings, empathy and emotional intelligence in animals kingdom.
In 1984, E.O. Wilson first used the term biophilia to describe his belief that humans inherently enjoy the diversity of life on earth, and that much of our well being comes from that enjoyment. It’s like we have a natural tendency to connect with the natural enviroment as a part of our identity. Many researchers started to call it “nature connectedness” defining these terms as humans’ innate need to affiliate with other life such as plants and animals. Humans have an innate desire to be near nature.
This built-in desire may be the result of spending the majority of our evolutionary history closely connected to nature, meaning those humans who were closely related to nature would have had better access to food and fresh water.
According with the researchers although nature relatedness could be consider a “rooted” individual trait, it can change based on personal experience with nature. The more time an individual spends in nature, the more connected they feel to nature and the more concern they may feel for nature.
Even though humans achive many benefits from nature, our modern lifestyles have created a disconnection from the natural environment. Some researchers estimate that humans spend up to 90% of their lives indoors. This lack of connection with nature can have a negative impact on our personal life generating negative moods, and affecting our health.
In his 1997 book, Kellert proposed that being close to nature provides us benefits such as an increase in well-being. The construct of nature connectedness is also related to a branch of psychology called ecopsychology. This branch seeks to examine how human well-being is related to the well-being of the natural environment. This theory is based on the idea that the needs of humans and nature are interdependent so human health will suffer if nature does as well.
As human specie we often act as if we are separate from nature, thinking we can live without nature.
The core mission of B-ONE Organization is to promote the deep relationship between human beings and the natural world, supporting projects that help people to rediscover this connection with nature. B-ONE actively works with different projects to crate value for people and our planet.
Only understanding the natural world as a part of our identity we can step out of our antropocentic view and being one with it.
We believe that once individuals become aware of the value of this connection with all living species they will work to take care about them with a completely new feeling. We invite you to support this connection and to make a personal and continuing commitment to understanding the relationship among us and the natural world.
[REFERENCE: Schultz, P. W. (2002). “Inclusion with nature: The psychology of human-nature relations”; Wilson, E. O. (1984). “Biophilia”, R. Kellert (1997). “Kinship to Mastery: Biophilia In Human Evolution And Development”]